I am a Junior at CSU Monterey Bay, majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering. In addition to my studies, I am self-learning full-stack development and the Spring framework for back-end development. As an open-source contributor, I actively engage in the community. I am also a member and student ambassador of the CS++ program at CSUMB, where I assist my cohort in enhancing their problem-solving skills and preparing for technical and non-technical interviews.
Software Engineer Intern (Open Energy Dashboard)
2024 - Feb 2024:
- Collaborated with a team of 3 and 1 mentor to contribute to
OED, an open source energy dashboard used by a few government
agencies and 10k+ users that displays energy-related data to
address climate change.
- Using docker, our team was able
to run and test the application to get a better understanding of
how the app functions.
- Our team developed and executed a
JavaScript test case to verify data accuracy in the PostgreSQL
database by using the Mocha and Chai testing framework in a
React component to compare readings.
Software Engineer Intern (Oppia)
Jun 2024 - Aug 2024:
- Collaborating with a team of 2 other students to fix issues on
the back-end of Oppia, an open source website used by 1 million+
users to help underprivileged students around the world receive
a quality education.
Software Engineer Fellow (Headstarter AI)
Jul 2024 -
Aug 2024:
- The Headstarter AI fellowship is a 7-week virtual summer
Software Engineering Program that enables students to work on
industry-standard projects.
- We will be working on
building 5 AI projects, participate in hackathons and launch a
capstone project with the goal of acquiring 1,000+ users
"As long as your intentions are solid and about growth and progression and being productive and not being idle, then you're doing good in my book. "
I am currently taking Codecadamy's Full Stack Development course and Udemy's Spring Framework course. After learning these skills, I plan to use them to develop projects that will help other users.
After delving into the Open Source community, I have worked on projects from different difficulties, from easy to hard. However, I have successfully contributed to 2 different open source projects, and now I want to attempt on working with a bigger project, Tensorflow.
Everyone dreams of their own startup idea taking off and being their own boss. Like many others, I have my own fair share of ideas. This is why I am making it my goal to learn fullstack development, so I can atleast have a starting point in developing my project!